Limit what items to retrieve using the filter parameter
The filter parameter is used to filter the selection of items to only include matches.
Comparison Operators
Operator | Description |
eq | Equal To (string, numeric, date etc) |
ne | Not equal to (string, numeric, date etc) |
gt | Greater than (string, numeric, date etc) |
lt | Less than (string, numeric, date etc) |
con | Contains (string ONLY) |
ncon | Not Contains (string ONLY) |
sw | Starts With (string ONLY) |
ew | Ends With (string ONLY) |
Combine conditions using the logical and and or operators:
city eq "London" and price lt 2000
age gt 18 and age lt 65
Order evaluation using parentheses:
orderTotal gt 1000 and (country eq "Norway" or country eq "Sweden")
Quote string expresions with double quote ("):
name eq "William Bradley \"Brad\" Pitt"
Single quote (') characters can be used directly:
name eq "O'Brian"
String values are case-sensitive. When filtering on string properties, you can append the tilde character (~) to the operator to make the comparison case-insensitive.
Examples of case-insensitive filters:
city eq~ "London" would match "London", "london" and "LONDON"
tiltle con~ "manager" would match "Assistant manager", "Managing director" and "MANAGER"